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Impact factor of the Journal: 0.260


JSC "National Center for State Scientific and Technical Expertise" is forming an abstract resource - the Kazakhstan Citation Database (KazCD).

KazCD is a system in which complete bibliographic information on publications of Kazakh scientists and specialists published in domestic and foreign journals, as well as their article links to Kazakh authors, is collected and processed.

KazCD statistical data allows us to determine the publication activity and citation rate of individual authors, scientific teams and organizations, as well as the impact factor of Kazakh journals.

The journal impact factor reflects the average citation level of all articles contained in a given journal over a certain period and is a criterion for the quality of the journal.

The impact factor for 2020 was calculated using the Kazakhstan Citation Database (KazCD).

The impact factor of the Journal "Education. Quality Assurance" is 0.260

other news
The journal is included in the RSCI database
Scientific journal “Education. Quality Assurance" is included in the bibliographic database of publications of the RSCI